Welcome Peeps !


Monday, February 28, 2011

He Is Mine !

When the rain is blowing in your face , I always try to put it away so I can see your face clearly .
As the snow hit you onto your face , I always try to wipe it from your face 'coz I dont want you to feel the pain . 
And when the sun burn you in a hot sunny day , I always try to find an umbrella to give you a shelter 

Baby , I love you so much ! I just couldn't describe it through words 'coz when I do that , its going to be a million miles of long words to express my feeling . And so that , I just describe it through the most powerful three words in the world  . I LOVE YOU !

Once I said i Love you , there is nothin' that could change the meaning . And there is nothin' that could change my feeling towards you . I hope that I can love you for the rest of my life . And just feels the joy of my life-time with you . It just so hard for me to accept that you are far away from me . 
If I had a given a chance to change something in my life , I would like to change you into me , and me into you :D . Its so hard to say goodbye when I'm calling you . 'Coz I'm scared if it will be the last call from me . I always said to myself that we will not be together for a long time . And to make it happier , I just need you by my side every second of my life . ! 

It might takes a lot of commitment for me to seperate between my study time and my 'manja-manja' time with you . This year , I will having my SPM examination , and I hope that you will be patient to wait until I finished my exam . And of course , I will spend more time with you after I've done it .
I really really hope that you wont find another guy just because I'm having my exam so I dont have much time to spend with you . I will try to give much of my time with you . And I hope when I'm studying , you wont give me much stress during my studies 'coz you know how much I need to get a good results in my SPM . And I dont want you to 'merajuk' when I'm not replying your text , calling you or even replying your IM . Maybe I'm busying with my studies that time . Hopefully you will understand it .

Why Do I Love You ? 
Because You Are So Sweet To Me .

Why Do I Need You ? 
Because I Knew You Will Take Care Of Me .

And Why Do I Said That You Are So Sweet ? 
Because It Makes Me Feels So Good When Hearing Your Voice .

There is nothin' can tear us apart !
We will stand together as a LOVER FOREVER And EVER !


Babe :D

Today , its Monday . My first day to school after 2 days of holiday . I met my friends , teachers , and my lovers :D . Hahaha , well ofcoz , 'Lovers' is meant by my BFF's . It is 28th of February 2011 . What a great day to start a lesson . I woke up in the morning , and I directly go to my big mirror . Erghh , "not again" . I sighed . Its the pimple going out on my face ! Big pimples . Hmm . just forget it . In this section , I would like to talk about a guy whom I knew at a social network called Facebook 
I knew him for the first he said 'Hye' in the Chat-Box . 


Dulu , masa mula2 kenal , masing2 sombong . Taknak tegur . Bukak profile pown tknak . Tapi , bila salah sorang dah tegur , mulalah nak menggedix2 kann .  HAHAHA . Kelakar jugakk bila aku pikir balik masa kali pertama aku kenal dia . Dia selalu wish aku . 'Selamat petang RED , Morning Red , Nytes Red " Haha . Aku suka sebenarnya bila ada orang yg amek berat pasal aku . Aku rasa diri aku tak keseorangan . Bila aku dah kenal dia , aku rasa hidupp aku penuh dgn kegembiraan . Aku gelak bila baca blog dia , aku gelak bila tgok gambar2 dia , dan aku gelak bila dia ejek aku .
Setiap kali aku call dia , dia selalu jugakk la mendiamkan diri . Aku tak tau la samada dia malu nak ckap atau saja nak habiskan kredit aku . Urmm . itu ikut suka dia la , tapi , bila aku dah kenal dia , aku kenal isi hati dia , prinsip hidup dia , cara dia berfikir , dan yg paling penting , ciri2 kekasih hati dia . Opzz . Secara jujurnya , aku mmg suka akt dia dari dulu lagi . Aku terpikat dgn mata dia . Cuma aku takut nak luahkan perasaan aku kat dia sbb aku takut dia dah berpunya . So , aku diamkan jee 

Selama aku online FB , takder pulakk mana2 kwn aku yg selalu wish aku . Pagi-petang-siang-malam , aku selalu tggu dia wish aku . And , tiap kali aku on9 , aku mesty tgok friend list aku dulu . Manala tau  kalau2 dia on9 . Aku akan tggu je dia IM aku . Kadang2 sampai aku terlentok depan lappy pown aku still nak tggu dia . Walaupun dia layan org laen , aku masih setia tggu dia wish kat aku . Bagi aku , walaupun aku tak dapat Cinta dia , tapi aku selalu anggap yg aku dah lama ada Cinta dia dlm diri aku . Aku nak dia happy . And aku nak aku Happy sama .
Bila masing2 happy , takder apa2 masalah akan timbul . Dalam hidup aku , dia lah org pertama yg  sggup gunakan pics aku sbagai profile picture dia . Erghh , aku terharu sgt bila dia buat mcmtuh . at the same time , aku malu la jugak , sbb gmbar aku tak seberapa sgt . Nanti ada org ckp mcm2 pasal profile picture dia . Aku tak kesah samada dia nak buat apa pown , tapi aku cuma nak dia tau yg aku betol2 sayangkan dia . Tuhh je . Aku taknak kehilangan dia . Dan aku nak dia dalam hidupp aku . Aku tak kesah apa org nak ckp , Yg pnting aku dapat jaga dia sebaiknya , dan dia pown dpt terima aku seadanya . 
Setiap kali aku call dia , ada je benda aku nak ckp .Tapi dia diam je . Aku sebenarnya tak suka bila org yg aku call , diam jee . Tak cakap apa2 . Aku nak sgt dgr suara dia . Tapi bila aku call dia , dia buat perkara yg sebaliknya . 


When times goes by a second , I will never stop thinking of you 

When my tears fell onto the ground , the first thing I will do to put away my tears , is just thinking of you

When I'm alone , I always portrayed your pictures infront of my laptop :D And I couldn't stop staring at you 

And when I'm happy , I will never forget to share it with you 'coz you are the only one in my heart


YES , I do love you for the first time I knew your name .

YES , I can't stop thinking of you 'coz I really really loves you

YES , There were many people talking about us . and asking many stupid questions . But for me , I don't need them . Infact , I just need youuuu .

YES , I really really do Love you OREN :D


Oren , now , I really want to be totally honest with you . 
I hate lying to myself and others . I can't assume you as my friend anymore . But , I need to assume you as my LOVER . 

Oren , I know that when the time you read this , you might not like it . And for that I'm sorry on my over-reacted behaviour that I threw over yourself . But truly , I've waited patiently to express my feelings and I think on 28th of February 2011 is the best day for me to just say to you that I Love You So Much .

Oren , For the first time in my life , you are the most Liked person that I ever like the most . No one in my life that have done like you've done to me . You wishes , your voice , you texts , your inboxes and you love that you gave to me will be always kept in my mind . 

Oren , I've promised to you and to myself that I will hug you when me met . And I will never loose the chance of my life-time and I will proove it to you . 
Just to make you sure , all your pictures is in my diary :D . And your name , is written beautifully on my room's wall :D "OREN SODA" 

Wo Ai Ni :D 

Friday, February 25, 2011

Your are always the best .!

Your are always be the best in my life .:D
There is nothin' that can compared between you and others . You are just a perfecto hunny bie .
My life is just a part of your life and a piece of my heart is buried in your heart too .
I'm sure that there were nothing that can seperate us apart . 
Being with you is just the best feeling that I ever felt in my whole life . And I love to have some moments to spend with you .
Laughters , joys , sadness , depression and love towards others is the best moments to be shared with you . And I always pray that one day I can hold your hand and keep you in my arms safely .
My life was mess , but when I knew your name for the first time you said 'Hye' in the Chat-box , I just felt like so good to have someone that really cares for me and do take care about myself . For the first time ever , you are the only person that had change my life totally . Plus , you have made me to be a better person in the future . Yes , its true that you are far away from me , but when our heart beats at the same rate , there is a possible way that one day , we will be holding hands together and walk through a coldy night . Oren , I just felt that my feelings towards you is a true and honest feeling . I would never lied to myself and you . I am  honestly had fall in love with you . 

In the other way , I just need you in my life right now . For the future , I wish I can have a big house , a nice car , a branded clothes , many childrens , and the most best wishes that I really want to have is to live with you . Living with a person that we really cares can moderate us to be a happier person . And who knows that we will be a better lover in the future . Things can changed , but feelings of love is hardly changed . Most of us can simply just said LOVE , but its hard to make it . Even a child can say LOVE , but the most important is how you express your feelings . Oren , I really hope that you can understand my feeling towards you . I hate to lie to myself , and  I hate to lie to you . I do like you , and I do love you  ! 
There were times you make me happy . There were times you shared your joys with me . There were times you can tell me your top secret . And there were times we shared our problems together . 

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Belum sampai waktunya untuk aku luahkan perasaan aku kat kau

Aku suka kau sebenarnya . Tapi cuma kau je yg tak perasan :D 
Dah lama aku simpan perasaan ni , tapi aku takut nak bagitau kau . Aku takut kau ckp aku ni perasan la , batak la , terhegeh2 la . Aku taknak nanti kau beranggapan lain kat aku bila aku ckp kt kau yg aku sukakan kau .
Setiap kali aku online , aku mesty tgok profile kau dulu sbb aku taknak terlepas satu pun status kau . Cara kau update status , kau tulis ayat , gambar2 kau , komen2 kau dan semuanyala . Aku selalu berdoa satu hari nanti aku dpt bersama dgn kau . Setiap kali aku tgok profile kau , kadang2 nak je aku post kat wall kau . dan tulis "Sebenarnya I suka kat U" . Tapi aku risau kalau2 dlm account kau ada org lain .BF kau ke , Mak Cik kau ke , Abang kau ke . Nnti tak pasal2 aku yg kena maki . Aku selalu pikir cmtuh , sbb aku taknak aku rosakkan hbungan kita walaupun kita hanya sbgai kawan . 

Setiap malam , aku selalu call kau sbb aku nak dengar suara kau sgt2 . Bagi aku , bila kau dengar suara kau kat dalam fon , seolah-olah kau ada kat sebelah aku . Kau tgh peluk aku , usap rambut aku , pegang tangan aku , tepuk bahu aku . Harap2 benda tuh semua jadi kenyataan satu hari nanti . Walaupun aku tau yg aku ni mungkin tak layak utk kau , tapi aku nak kau tau yg selama ni , aku tak anggap kau kawan aku . Sebaliknya aku anggap kau sebagai seorang KEKASIH . Hmm , bila la agak2nya aku dapat pegang tangan kau kan  ? Dalam dunia ni , perkara yg aku nak buat selepas aku kenal kau , ialah , memegang tangan kau ! ! . Mungkin kau tak selesa bila baca ni , tapi aku nak kau tau yg aku betol2 sukakan kau selama ni . Kau mungkin boleh LIKE status2 aku , wish aku selamat malam , selamat petang , selamat pagi , Tapi kau tak boleh agak mcm mana perasaan aku trhadap kau selama kita kenal . Kau mungkin boleh gelak bila aku ckp yg aku sukakan kau selama ni . Kau mungkin boleh delete aku bila aku ckp yg aku syok kat kau  . Tapi kau mungkin tak boleh agak mcm mana perasaan aku kat kau .
Since aku tanya nama sebenar kau , dari situh la aku mula suka kat kau . Aku suka kau bukan sebab nama kau , tapi cara kau layan aku , budi bahasa kau dah menunjukkan yg kau mmg baik . Aku tak harap apa2 dari kau . Aku cuma nak luahkan perasaan aku je . Aku betol2 suka kan kau .

Dalam FB aku , tak pernah ada sorang pown yg wish aku setiap waktu . Malam , Petang , Pagi . Hmm , aku suka bila ada orang yg caring pasal aku . Tanya kabar aku setiap hari . Tegur aku , gurau2 dgn aku la . Hahaha . harap2 semua tuh jadi kenyataan . Selalu jugakkla aku berdoa utk mimpikan kau sebelum aku tidur . Hahaha , mungkin benda ni kedengaran sprti BODOH , tapi bagi aku , mimpikan seseorang yg kita suka atau sayang sudah semestinya bestt ! Dalam mimpi tuh , aku suapkan kau ice-cream , main layang-layang , cak-cak d'sebalik pokok , guling2 atas rumput , simbah2 air kat sungai , main kejar2 dan yg paling manis , main tampar2 pipi smpai merah ! Haha , benda paling sweet yg aku akan buat bila aku d'takdirkan bersama dgn kau ialah tidurkan kau :D . Walaupun kita hanya kenal dalam laman sesawang je , tapi bila kau selalu tegur aku , aku pown selalu call kau , Aku rasa mcm kita jiran plakk . Aku tidur pown , berpelukkan bantal yg ada nama kau . Aku mandi pown gunakan sabun yg berjenamakan nama kau . Aku makan pown , menggunakan sudu dan garfu keluaran kilang nama kau . Eee , aku tak dpt tahan la , bila aku selalu teringatkan kau . Sbb tuh la aku tulis blog ni supaya aku dpt luahkan perasaan aku . Aku duduk dlm blik ni , sambil dengar lagu 'Make You Feel My Love' sambil menunggu mesej dari kau . Aku baring atas katil sambil belek2 henset yg penuh dgn gambar2 kau .

Aku rasa , aku mmg tak dapat tahan lagi perasaan aku kat kau . Aku kena bgtau kau , yg aku betol2 sukakan kau . Harap2 kau tak marah aku  . Bayang-bayang kau je aku nampak setiap kali aku rindukan kau . Teringat suara kau , gelak kau , suara manja kau . Setiap kali aku dail nombor kau kat fon aku , aku selalu nervous bila kau nak angkat fon . Dalam hati aku ckp , "Bilala dia nak agkat fon ni" . Tp , bila kau agkat je fon , aku takut pulak nak bersuara . Hehe . Aku ni pemalu orangnya . Tp , once aku dah bukak mulut , jgn harapla korang boleh ckp . 
Aku happy kenal dgn kau , dan aku happy dpt kawan mcm kau . Untungla sapa dapat kau . Tp aku nak sgt , orang yg untung tuh ialah aku . Hehehe . 
Aku pernah bertekad utk luahkan perasaan aku kat kau . Tp aku tak ckup kuat lagi utk ckp . Aku nak kita kenal dulu hati masing2 , baru kita ckp pasal benda yg serius . Bak kata orang2 tua , Jodoh tuh di tangan TUHAN . Kita hanya boleh menerimanya . 
Aku sentiasa berdoa supaya satu hari nanti aku dapat jugak pegang tangan kau , usap tangan kau , dan akhir sekali , kucup dahi kau :D . AMIN 

AkuBetol-BetolSayangKanKau :D Oren 

Sunday, February 13, 2011

I Love Them ! :)

Saya sayang mereka semua ! 
Dan saya tak tahu nak cakap mcm mana kalau saya takder mereka semua !
Pada waktu saya gembira , sedih , kecewa , tertekan , malu , ketawa , mereka sering berada di sisi saya . Maka dengan itu saya buat satu blogg utk mereka semua sbagai satu tanda penghargaan yg tidak ternilai buat mereka semua !


PDR ~ ! Saya sayangkan dia sangat2 ! My Besties ! 

10 perkara yg saya suka tentang PDR :

~Suka senyum 
~Pandai pose
~Suka bergaul dgn org ramai
~Mempunyai kosa kata yg menarik !

ABEN ~ ! Dia selalu gelak !! HAHAHAHAHA 

10 perkara yg saya suka tentang Aben :

~Suka cara dia jalan 
~Simple But Smart 
~Sexy Lips
~Pandai pujuk 
~Mulut Bisa

SHAH ~ ! Dia selalu nasihatkan saya :) Kadan'-Kadan' rimas jugakk tapi sebenarnya saya suka :) HAHA

10 perkara yg saya suka tentang Shah :

~Gelak tak boleh kuat lagi
~Suka tolong orang
~Kuat sentapp 
~Nasihat tuh tak boleh berjela-jela lagi 
~Caring nak mampoz 
~Mata dia cantik
~Suka buat lawak
~Mengada-ngada manja

Berikut merupakan BESTIES2 aku yg aku sayang :) . Walaupun kitorg jauh , tp tuh tak bermakna kitorg tak tegur sesama sendiri . Kadang2 dlm FB sempat lgi main hina-hina antara satu sama lain .Merajuk tuh standard la kann . Kwan , mana yg tak pernah sentap dgn kwn sndiri . Kadang2 ada jgak yg jelez dgn kwn sndiri ! HAHA . Tp , kitorg tak kesah pown . Benda2 tuh semua dah jadi kebiasaan .Kitorg selalu jgakk , sentap2 ni . Just nak tgok mcm mana reaksi masing2 je . Tp , takde apa-apa niat pown . 

Kalau kitorg bosan , ada je yg ajak kuar la , lepak la . Hmm , klo org kata 'bapak borek anak rintik' kitorg pown sbnanrnya sama jgak . Pot2 yg jadi keutamaan kitorg , sudahh semestinya PAVILION . Hmm . kalau tak jejak tempat haram tuh seminggu sekali , boleh mati doee ! HAHA . Kitorg selalu hang sama-sama . Biarlah apa org nak ckp pown , yg pnting kitorg kawan :D . Jgn smpai bermusuh sudahh la kann  

Antara kami , ada panggilan masing2  . MARIA la , NOKK la , MAKK la , NYAHH la . Adoi ~ boleh tergelak bila kitorg jadi gila . Hmm . setakat ni jela aku boleh tulis psl kwn2 aku . Nanti ada kesempatan aku tulis pnjang2 lagi eakk ! 

BYE ~ Daa ~ Nantikan update seterusnya ! :)